One year ago we were in Vietnam waiting for our G&R.
The girls are dressed in their Ao Dai sitting with their nanny in the hotel room.
We would soon get on the bus to go to the government building for the G&R.

We are waiting to go into the officials office for the G&R ceremony.
Sophie is in pink, Lily in purple.
It is official the girls are now ours forever.
The faces say how emotional this day is for everyone.
One year later..........
I can't believe it has been a year! They have grown so much!

Lily loves preschool, princesses, dresses, swinging and to color.

Sophie loves blue jeans, animals, writing, swinging and is starting to recognize some words.
We have been blessed to have the twins join our family. They are full of life and bring so much joy and laughter to our home. It is getting hard to remember life without them.