I think this is the first time I've commented but I just had to say that those two girls are SSOO beautiful! It seems like you guys are doing well, and you're getting alot of really great smiles, but don't fret if you have those bad days too. Toddler adoption can be very hard at first. On those days you just have to remember that it gets better.
AP-Adoptive Parent(s) DIA-Viêt Nam Department of International Adoption DMOJ-Viêt Nam Department of Justice Dossier-Packet containing all our adoption documents G&R-Giving & Receiving Ceremony, the provincial ceremony where the girls becomes ours in the eyes of the Vietnamese government HCMC-Ho Chi Minh City or Saigon PC-People Committee PAP-Prospective Adoptive Parents PMU-Viêt Nam People's Committee VN-Viet Nam
So cute!
I think this is the first time I've commented but I just had to say that those two girls are SSOO beautiful! It seems like you guys are doing well, and you're getting alot of really great smiles, but don't fret if you have those bad days too. Toddler adoption can be very hard at first. On those days you just have to remember that it gets better.
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